
Aging, disease, weight loss and hereditary factors can cause local volume loss in the face. Injecting synthetic fillers to replace the volume where it is lost is often effective.


Aging, disease, weight loss and hereditary factors can cause local volume loss in the face. Injecting synthetic fillers to replace the volume where it is lost is often effective (see fillers). Permanent fillers run the risk of tissue reaction and subsequent formation of nodules. Temporary fillers are safe, but have the disadvantage of being temporary. Lipofilling is an effective, safe and durable way to add volume to the face. Lipofilling is a technique whereby fat cells are harvested, processed and transferred elsewhere in the body. Using thin cannulas, the harvested fat cells are injected through small puncture holes. Because it is the body’s own tissue rejection and encapsulation does not occur. There are many applications for lipofilling such as for the face, breasts, buttocks, and dents in the body. Besides fat cells there are also stem cell that are aspirated with liposuction. Due to these stem cells the effect of lipofilling induces a softening of tissue like in scars, trauma, burns or after radiation.


During the first consultation your wishes will be discussed thoroughly. Your general health and the quality of your skin will be assessed. It will be determined if lipofilling will be able to solve your concerns and if the procedure will be able to meet your expectations. Furthermore, it will be determined where excess fat can be harvested and the quality of the skin in that area. This will most often be the abdomen, the thighs or the knees. The procedure, what is to be expected after the procedure, the possible complications and the to be expected results will be discussed in detail.

Depending on the patient and the amount of fat necessary the procedure is performed under a general anesthetic or local anesthetic with or without sedation. The treated areas will be accurately marked before the procedure, both the area where the fat will be harvested as the areas in the face where the fat will be injected. During the procedure fluid with local anesthetic and adrenaline is injected in the area where the fat will be harvested. With a thin suction canula fat will be aspirated with low suction pressure. The fat cells will be centrifuged whereby living fat cell are separated from the water and oil liquid. These fat cells are then transferred to injection syringes. Using thin cannulas, the processed fat is injected evenly in the premarked areas of the face.

After the procedure both the donor and the recipient site of the lipofilling will be somewhat swollen and bruised. In particular after lipofilling of the face and around the eyes there will be significant swelling in the first week after the procedure. In the first 24 hours some watery fluid and sometimes some blood may leak from the injection sites. The treated areas are sensitive and feel tense. This will settle in 2 to 6 weeks. You will experience more discomfort from the donor areas than from the recipient areas. Pretty soon after the procedure you will be able to go back to work, but strenuous activities should be avoided for four to six weeks.

In the first couple of months after the lipofilling the inserted volume will decrease as not all the fat cells will survive and will be cleared by the body. About 50% to 80% of the injected fat will give a lasting result. It can be determined in advance that a second lipofilling procedure will be necessary to obtain the desired result. Sometimes a second procedure is indicated to correct irregularities or asymmetries. After 3 months it can be estimated how successful the procedure has been. When the injected fat has taken its final shape, it will not disappear anymore. The aging process however continues and in due course you may request another lipofilling treatment. Fat is always harvested from areas with excess fat and the improvement of shape thereafter is an added advantage of lipofilling.

Overall lipofilling is a safe procedure. Nevertheless, there can be side effects. Asymmetries and irregularities can be permanent when the fat cells do not survive equally in the different areas. Correction of significant asymmetries and irregularities is always possible. In spite of preoperative antibiotics infections can occur, although very rare. Sometime the fat is visible under thin skin or palpable as small lumps and sometimes small oil cysts develop that can be aspirated. If insufficient fat cells have survived a second lipofilling needs to be done. Overcorrection can be treated will liposuction of the excess fat. Long term swelling can exist for months after the procedure.
