Endoscopic forehead/brow lift

Due to aging and genetic predisposition the skin of the forehead and the eyebrows decent and can press on the upper eyelid skin. The peripheral vision, especially lateral, can become compromised.


Due to aging and genetic predisposition the skin of the forehead and the eyebrows decent and can press on the upper eyelid skin. The peripheral vision, especially lateral, can become compromised. Actively raising the eyebrows to improve vision can cause fatigue during the course of the day. Low eyebrow position can give a tired or angry appearance. The endoscopic forehead and brow lift can smoothen the forehead, correct eyebrow ptosis and reduce glabellar frown lines. The procedure is done through small incisions causing minimal scarring and tissue disruption. An endoscopic forehead lift is often performed in combination with an upper eyelid correction .


During the first consultation the position of the eyebrows at rest, the forehead wrinkles, the frown lines and the amount of upper eyelid skin are assessed. The effect of a foreheadlift can easily be simulated by simply lifting the forehead above the lateral eyebrow with one’s finger. The amount of residual excess upper eyelid skin that remains can then be determined. An additional upper eyelid correction may be beneficial. Your wishes, the procedure, aftercare and course thereafter will be discussed.

An endoscopic forehead lift is a minimally invasive procedure performed under general anesthesia and takes approximately one hour. Four small incisions are made behind the hairline without the need for shaving hair. Using specialized instruments and an endoscope for visualization the forehead and frown muscles are gently released whilst the sensory nerves are left intact. When requested the frown muscles are partially removed. The lateral forehead is raised and stabilized with suture fixation. A small drain is placed to reduce postoperative bruising. The incisions in the hair baring skull are closed using stapples. When indicated any residual upper eyelid skin is then removed through an upper eyelid correction. A compressive head dressing will be placed.

After the procedure the forehead can be swollen and the eyelids can be swollen and bruised. This varies from patient to patient. As soon as you are sufficiently awake you can go home with the drain, which will be removed at the office the next day. You will be given a prescription for any pain. It is advisable to apply cold compresses on the forehead and eyes for the 5 days and to keep the head higher than the heart using pillows whilst sleeping for the first 4 weeks. The next day your hair can be washed holding your head back. The stapples will be removed after 5 to 7 days. Post-operative complaints can be: headache, swelling, bruising, numbness and tingling of the forehead. This will all settle down and most patients will look acceptable after 2 to 3 weeks. The remaining swelling will subside in about 4 to 8 weeks and the sensation will recover in weeks to months after the procedure. The first 2 weeks after the procedure you should take it easy. Thereafter you can proceed with light work. Physical exercise and heavy lifting should be avoided for 4 - 6 weeks.

The results of an endoscopic forehead lift are of long lasting, but aging of de skin and descent of the soft tissues are not halted. After a forehead lift you will stay ahead of the process of descent. The final result can be judged after approximately 6 weeks. Apart from relocating the eyebrows to the position where they used to be, the skin can become tighter and smoother. The frontal hairline will be pulled back a bit using this technique resulting in a forehead that is slightly higher. Therefore, an endoscopic forehead lift is in particular useful in patients with a low hairline. If the hairline is high to begin with and increasing it is objectionable, a traditional forehead lift is an alternative. Hereby the skin in front of the hairline is excised, which will result in a long scar and some numbness behind the scar. In balding people an endoscopic forehead lift always preferable because the scars are short and not very noticeable.

Symmetry is always strived for, but can never be guaranteed. Recovery from bruising, swelling and numbness may sometimes take longer. Bleeding and infections can occur in all surgical procedures, but are rare in endoscopic forehead lifts. Poor wound healing, excessive scarring and loss of hair around the incision sites can occur. Temporary paralysis of the elevators of the forehead normally recovers completely.

Forehead Lift
Forehead Lift
Forehead Lift
Forehead Lift
Forehead Lift
Forehead Lift
Forehead Lift
Forehead Lift