Upper Eyelid Correction

By removing the excess skin, an upper eyelid correction can improve field of view and comfort. The appearance is also improved due to a reduced tired appearance.


With aging the skin of the upper eyelid can become droopy, which is referred to as “blepharochalasis”. When the skin touches the eyelashes or hangs over them the field of vision will become impaired. This excess skin also will give an aged and tired appearance. This can be aggravated by descent of the forehead and eyebrows. Furthermore, orbital fat may protrude forward creating bulges above the eyelid. An upper eyelid correction is referred to as a “blepharoplasty” and can be performed at the same time as a lower eyelid correction.


During the first consultation your eyelids, the orbits and the position of the eyebrows are examined. The amount of excess skin and any excess fat is noted. Furthermore the vision and the possible presence of dry eyes are of importance. If the eyebrows have descended significantly the option of performing a brow lift together with an upper eyelid correction is also discussed.

Normally an upper eyelid correction is performed under local anesthetic as an outpatient procedure and you can go home straight thereafter. Before the procedure pictures will be taken and the amount of skin that needs to be removed is accurately marked. After local anesthetic infiltration, the excess skin is excised and if indicated any excess fat as well. The wound is closed with one stitch running from the side of the face towards the nose. The scar will be located in the natural eyelid crease extending slightly lateral into a crease of the crowfeet. The scars will be hardy noticeable, but will always be visible only on close inspection.

After an upper eyelid correction the eyes will become bruised and swollen to some extent. Cold compresses using iced water or ice glasses can be applied to the eyes for 30 minutes 3 times a day in the first 3 to 5 days. This will contain and reduce the swelling and bruising. Painkillers are often not required. The first couple of weeks at night your head should be elevated higher than the heart by using an extra pillow. The stitches will be removed after 5 to 7 days and your appearance will be very acceptable after 1 to 2 weeks. Any residual bruising can be camouflaged with make-up and the remaining swelling will continue to subside in the coming weeks. Due to the wound healing process you may feel some pulling and the scar may be slightly sensitive. You may experience some numbness of the eyelids for some time and some swelling around the eyes. This will all settle down after a while.

The removal of excess skin of the upper eyelids can improve your peripheral vision and comfort. Also your appearance will improve by reducing a tired look. The scars are well hidden in the natural upper eyelid crease and in a wrinkle the crowfeet area. In general the scars with therefor be hardly visible. The results are sustainable, but the aging process continues and an upper eyelid correction may be repeated in the future.

Sometimes the eyes are more bruised than normal. This will eventually resolve completely, but it may take a bit longer for the eyes to look normal. It is very important that you stop taking any blood thinning medication, such as for instance aspirin, prior to your procedure. It may happen that you cannot open or close your eyes completely for some time after the procedure or that the eyes feel dry. Moisturizing eye drops may be used until the eyes are able to close properly and the tear production is restored. Pre-existing asymmetry of the position and movement of the eyebrows can create asymmetry of the eyelids. The eyelids can always end up not completely symmetric, but if the asymmetry is significant and bothersome a correction can be performed on one side. In rare instances an inclusion cyst can develop in the scar, which can be surgically removed. An extremely rare complication is a large bleeding behind the eye (retro bulbar hematoma), which can lead to blindness if not immediately treated aggressively.
