
Liposuction is a body contouring procedure that slims and reshapes specific areas of the body by removing excess fat deposits and improving contours and proportion. It


Liposuction is a body contouring procedure that slims and reshapes specific areas of the body by removing excess fat deposits and improving contours and proportion. It can be performed alone or with other plastic surgery procedures, such as a breast reduction or an abdominoplasty (see Mommy make over). Liposuction is not a treatment for obesity or a substitute for proper diet and exercise. It is also not an effective treatment for cellulite or loose saggy skin. You should only do liposuction for yourself, not to fulfill someone else’s desires. The ideal liposuction candidate is non obese, in good health, doesn’t smoke, and has tight and elastic skin without stretchmarks with localized fat deposits that don’t respond to diet or exercise.


During your first consultation an assessment will be made of your general health, your weight and height, the areas that require treatment and the quality and elasticity of the skin. If liposuction would be performed in an area where the skin is already loose, the skin will become more loose and a skinfold may develop. In these instances, it would be better to excise the skin together with the underlying fat (dermo-lipectomy). This will result in a scar (see Abdominoplasty). A dermo-lipectomy can also be performed together with liposuction. All options applicable to you will be discussed. A positive outlook, realistic expectation and specific goals in mind for body contouring will most likely result in a satisfying result.

Before the procedure photos will be taken and areas to be treated areas are marked. Liposuction normally takes place under a general anesthetic, but smaller liposuction procedures can also be performed under local anesthetic. When very large amounts of fat are aspirated, an overnight stay may be indicated. During the procedure small incisions of ½ to 1 cm will be made in discrete locations. Through these incisions large amounts of fluid with local anesthetic and adrenaline is infiltrated to facilitate the suction of fat and to minimize blood loss. With de aid of thin tubes fat is systematically aspirated through the same incisions. Normally liposuction is performed from different directions to ensure a smooth surface without visible tracks from the tubes. At the end of the procedure the skin incisions are closed with one or two stitches. If skin needs to be excised, a drain may be placed for a couple of days.

After the procedure a pressure garment or corset will put on to control the swelling, support loose skin and promote adherence and contracture thereof. This needs to be worn day and night for 6 weeks and can be taken off for showering. Liposuction in general is not a painful procedure and it is mainly stiffness that is experienced. Paracatamol normally is sufficient if any pain medication is required. In the first day some of the infiltrated fluid can leak through the small incisions. The skin will be swollen and can become all colors of the rainbow. Most of this will resolve in the first couple of weeks. To speed up the resolution of the bruising, swelling and stiffness it is advisable to go for lymphatic drainage and massage of the treated areas by a physiotherapist. The stitches of the incisions are removed after 10 days. To prevent discoloration the skin must be protected from the sun for 6 months.

Although the improvements of the contours will be immediately visible the result can only be properly assessed after 3 to 6 months. In liposuction there are only small scars in the skin, but under the skin is a large surface area that needs to heal. Liposuction can give a significant improvement of the contours of your figure, but not perfection. Asymmetries can be improved, but existing irregularities of the skin are difficult to correct. Cellulite not improve after liposuction, but in some case may appear to be worse when there is poor skin tone to start.

General anesthetic risks and post operative thrombosis can occur in all surgical procedures. Bleeding and infection can occur in all surgical procedures, although this hardly ever occurs in liposuction. Immediately after the procedure the skin is swollen discolored and sensitive. The remaining swelling and hard nodules will sometimes take several months to settle down and so will the numbness of the skin take time to disappear. If the skin doesn’t contract sufficiently, it sometimes is necessary to excise the loose skin. This will result in additional scarring. Slight irregularities in de surface can always occur, but over suctioning in one area and to superficial suctioning can result in significant surface irregularities and dents. To minimize this, liposuction is performed from different directions and never too superficial. If not enough excess fat has been removed or when the result is asymmetric it is possible to correct this with an additional liposuction procedure.
