Labia Reduction

The labia minora can by nature be too large and/or asymmetric. As a result of aging and in particular pregnancies the labia can stretch.


The labia minora can by nature be too large and/or asymmetric. As a result of aging and in particular pregnancies the labia can stretch. Discomfort can develop during daily activities such as cycling, horseback riding or intercourse. It can also be of entirely cosmetic reasons that a correction is desired. A labia minora correction has increased tremendously in popularity over the last couple of years due to increased familiarity of the procedure and due to good results with the present techniques. Excess tissue can be present of the labia minora on the sides and of the clitoral hood in the front. The goals of a labia reduction are to reduce the labia minora so they don’t hang below the labia majora and to improve symmetry.


During your first consultation your complaints and requests will be noted and the labia minora will be assessed. The options for correction in your case will be discussed. It is important that you have realistic expectations and that you request a correction because you want it and not someone else.

The procedure is relatively simple and can be performed under local anesthetic, with or without sedation, or under a general anesthetic. Even if performed under general anesthetic a local anesthetic will be given so you will be pain free for several hours after the procedure. The skin that needs to be removed is accurately measured and marked to ensure as much symmetry as possible. The skin can either be trimmed and sewn up directly or a wedge excision can be performed which maintains the natural border of the labia minora. Many small dissolvable stitches will be used that need not be removed. The procedure takes about an hour.

After the procedure the wounds need only be covered with a sanitary pad. If the operation was done under local anesthetic you can go home straight away. If you had sedation or a general anesthetic you can go home with assistance after you are sufficiently awake. After the procedure, especially the first 24 hours the labia can be swollen and sensitive. There may also be some blood loss. If the blood loss continues you can sit on a small pillow or a rolled up towel for 10 minutes. The bleeding will stop on its own. The swelling will subside after one week. Ice packs 3 times a day for 20 minutes in the first few days may reduce the swelling. The wounds are being cleaned only with water, thereafter dried a covered with a sanitary pad. Strenuous activity and intense sports are avoided for 4 weeks and thereafter careful sexual intercourse can commence.

In general, the labia minora heal well and the scars will be hardly visible. Even if the procedure is performed with great care by an experience plastic surgeon, there will be no guarantee for perfect symmetry or a perfect end result.

There is a small possibility of an infection, bleeding or problems with wound healing. You can reduce these risks by following the instructions carefully. Slight asymmetry can always be found, but over-resection is to be prevented by accurate preoperative markings.

Labia Reduction
Labia Reduction