Ear Correction

Complete symmetry is always pursued, but small difference will always be present as it does in the general population. Generally, most patients are very happy that they finally had it done.


There are many different abnormalities of the ear, but the prominent ear, sometimes referred to as bat ear, is the most common one. A prominent ear is the result of a congenital deformation of the cartilaginous framework of the external ear. Hearing is generally not affected, but cosmetically it can be disturbing. Children with prominent ears can be teased at school and as a result of this their self-confidence can be undermined. Often at a later age they seek correction of the ears, which shows that it has been an issue for years. Prominent ears can be corrected with plastic surgery and the medical term is an otoplasty. After birth ears continue to grow and around the age of five the ears will be about 80 % of their adult size. Therefor a correction can be done from the age of five, just before going to primary school.


There are different anatomical reasons for ears to be prominent and the correction is focused on them. During the first consultation the anatomy of the ear is assessed and correction thereof is explained. The surgical risks, the possible complications and the course of the correction is discussed.

In adults the procedure normally takes place under local anesthesia and in children under general anesthesia. A general anesthesia will add to the cost of the procedure. The correction is performed from the back of the ear. A small strip of skin is removed and the cartilage can be remodeled through the incision. No cartilage will be removed. The shape of the cartilage is adjusted and fixed with stitches to obtain the desired shape. The skin will be closed with dissolvable stitches. A head bandage is placed to protect the ears and the operation. The procedure takes approximately one hour and you/your child can go home the same day.

In adults the bandage is removed the next day and in children after 5 days. It is important that at night a bandage is placed for protection and for the ease of sleeping. Normal showering and washing of hair can proceed after 5 days and any dried blood scabs can gently be removed with water. Don’t use a hair drier for two weeks en keep it on the coolest setting for six weeks. During sleep it is best to keep your head a little elevated with an extra pillow or by elevating the head end of the bed. Furthermore, it is advisable to sleep on your back to prevent any pressure on your ears. The first week the ears will be swollen with some bruising. The bruising will disappear fairly quickly, but residual swelling may take longer to subside. Often the ears may appear red, swollen and sensitive for some time. As the swelling settles the ears take on their final shape. In the beginning the scars behind the ears will be red and in time will become more the color of the skin. Take it easy the first couple of days and avoid any strenuous exercise for 4 weeks. After a couple of days to a week you can go back to work as long as you don’t do any heavy labor. Contact sports can continue after 8 weeks.

The results of otoplasties generally are good. The final result can be judged after approximately six weeks. Complete symmetry is always pursued, but small difference will always be present as it does in the general population. Generally, most patients are very happy that they finally had it done.

After every operation there is a possibility of developing a bleeding or an infection. They present themselves with pain, swelling, redness and in case of severe infection with pus seeping through the wound. Bruising can occur, usually in combination with swelling. Long term hypersensitive ears in cold weather can occur which eventually disappears. Some people heal better than others and some patients develop hypertrophic scars. These thick scars need to be treated with steroid injections. The scars are not noticeable because of their position behind the ear. On the rare occasion the memory of the cartilage is so strong that the ears return more or less to their original shape. A second correction is then needed whereby a more aggressive approach is taken to remodel the cartilage. It is important to have realistic expectations. You can expect a clear improvement but not perfection. Absolute symmetry is virtually impossible, but if the difference is significant a second procedure may be necessary.

Ear Correction
Ear Correction
Ear Correction
Ear Correction