Aging differs from person to person, but sooner or later everyone will develop wrinkles. Wrinkles are the results of aging of skin and of movement of facial muscles. Sun exposure and smoking are important aggravating factors in aging and wrinkle formation of the skin. Protection of the sun and not smoking will not prevent aging, but will prevent acceleration. Wrinkles of the frown area, forehead and crow feet are the result of contraction of the underlying muscles. After every facial movement creases will be visible in the skin. In young people these creases will recover due to sufficient elasticity in the skin. Over the years the first facial lines will become visible and in the years thereafter they will develop into wrinkles. By selectively paralyzing facial muscles with Botox many of these wrinkles will soften or sometimes disappear. If you start at an early age (after 18) and regularly undergo a Botox treatment you can prevent these wrinkles from developing. Since the nineties Botox has been used extensively for cosmetic purposes. This treatment became immediately popular amongst top models whom required to remain without wrinkles. Nowadays many people chose to have Botox treatments.